New Call Sign

Hear Yea, Hear Yea.

Let it be known to all members and friends of the Mid South Coast Amateur Radio Club that John Lukey is hereby licenced to use the call sign of VK2JG. This call sign was until recently the call sign of the late Noel Hill. I was granted permission to aquire it by his XYL Nancy VK2NPG.

I would like to thank Ted VK2ARA and Petra from the WIA for their assistance in changing over the licence.  Quite painless apart from the fee.

John VK2JG

Sydney Amateur Radio Ferry Contest

Two members David, VK2FLDW and Blake, VK2FVBW travelled to Sydney to meet up with Connor, VK2FCAC from IARS to take part in the Inaugural ferry contest.  Many contacts were made on simplex and on the repeaters and QSL cards were exchanged with the many amateurs met on the ferries and wharves.

VK2FVBW & VK2FLDW Ferry Contest 2016
Ferry Contest 2016

We spent some time at the Rose Bay wharf, headquarters of the contest chatting with the organisers.

A full report and results with be in the next issue of the Lyrebird


New Website

Welcome one and all to the new website!

Things are still being rolled out and modified, so check back soon for more posts and information from us here at the Mid South Coast Amateur Radio Club!


Your benevolent webmaster, VK2FVBW.

PS, big thanks to Adrian VK2JBX and all at Triple U Community Radio for hosting us!